Friday, January 25, 2019

A Guide You Can Rely On Regarding The Famed Mouth Gag Sex Toy

Gagging, or restricting the ability to speak doesn’t necessarily have to be a part of BDSM. You can also use it to add kink as a seasoning to your bedroom bouts. It is also one of the safest restrictive devices to use for first-time kinky sessions. It is an item that muffles your partner and takes away the ability to speak clearly. However, it never bars the person from breathing because and manufacturers see to it while designing the products. In spite of that, there are certain things that you have to understand before incorporating gags of any type into sex sessions. 

Mouth Gag Sex Toy

Sticking to safety

Even if you’re not into hardcore BDSM, safe words are a necessity when you’re using a Mouth Gag Sex Toy from After all, speech inhibiting is an essential part of BDSM. Now, it is understandable that your partner will not be able to say anything comprehensible to you when gagged. There are individuals out there with jaw muscles that tire out faster than others. Therefore, you need to pick a product that is perfect for your partner. Even after that, the need for safe words lingers around, and you can’t ignore this necessity. Set up some safety precautions standards of your own. You can hand your partner an object in their hand to drop when something is going wrong. Or you can also think about hand or head gestures. 

It does interfere

In spite of being safe, the Mouth Gag Sex Toy will interfere with the partner’s breathing as it is inevitable. You should never leave your partner’s side with the device in their mouth for longer than a few moments. Try to select something that has vents instead of a solid one. If you’re an aficionado of bondage sex, then you may not have much trouble, but vented ones are the best choices for every first-timer. The cleaning and sanitizing process of a mouth gag with holes are quite troublesome, but you don’t want to mess around with your partner’s breathability. Your best course of action would be to pick up a gag that holds the mouth open without any obstructions. 

Mouth Gag Sex Toy

The positioning

You maybe want your partner to lie on the back and face you while you’re doing your thing, but it will be a bad move if there is a mouth gag involved. According to the personal experiences of BDSM lovers, you should always engage in stand-up or upright positions while enjoying the body of your lover. It prevents the accumulation of saliva from creating any other blockages that you intend. Another excellent sex position is to put your partner in a face-down situation. The physics of the condition should explain it to you clearly. The saliva will not be able to flow down to the throat when your partner faces downwards. 


You know that every individual is different and so are their needs and necessities. Naturally, the gag that your best buddies use on their partners may not be right for your lover. So, you have to research thoroughly on the products available at the online store. If you’re new into it, try something like a handkerchief or underwear to block your partner orally. Once you pass the initial stage, visit the website and pick what works for your lover.


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